Dying Matters Week – 02 to 06 May: Talking to children about dying

May 12th, 2022 Posted in Blog
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Monday, 02 May 2022 – Friday, 06 May 2022 is Dying Matters Week. This blog will focus on the ways to have difficult conversations with children about dying.

Children have the capacity to cope well with loss providing they have the right support, however, sometimes it can be difficult for family members to provide this; the balance of wanting to protect children and knowing the ’right’ thing to say can feel impossible at times.

Talking to a child about death can help them feel better supported and more secure. They may have fears or questions that they’re worried about bringing up. Talking about death might make them feel more comfortable asking these questions, and they might feel more able to talk about their feelings.

Rowans Hospice Charity offers the ‘Meerkat Service’ which can support children and young people up to the age of 18 through bereavement.  The support will be in line with the individual needs of the young person or child. This includes guidance to parents/guardians, advice to schools and other agencies, and when appropriate, individual therapeutic work with children.

Groups are available throughout the year for young people and children who have been bereaved and if you would like to learn more about the Meerkat Service, please click here.

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