Pie and Mash Lunch

Sunday, 25 September 2022
Arrival 12:30hrs for lunch at 13:00hrs
Pie and Mash Facebook (3)

Sunday Lunch

Join Anne and Frank Pearson for a Pie and Mash lunch on Sunday, 25 September 2022 at the Paterson Centre in Swanmore. There will be a choice of Beef, Chicken or Vegetarian Pie, followed by dessert.

Tickets are £25 per head which includes the Sunday lunch and a welcome drink on arrival. Tickets can be purchased via contacting annepearson@msn.com

Arrival is from 12:30 for lunch to be served at 13:00.

All income generated will be donated to the Rowans Hospice Charity.


  •  25 September 2022
     12:30 pm - 5:00 pm



Paterson Centre, Swanmore, Hampshire, SO32 2PA, United Kingdom

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