Make a Will Fortnight

Monday, 07 - Sunday, 20 October 2024

Leave a Lasting Legacy

It costs £7.8 million each year to provide our Hospice care, which is given free of charge. We receive only 10% funding from the Government, meaning that 90% of our income needs to be raised through donations, fundraising activities, our Retail shops and Gifts in Wills.

Last year alone, one third of our income was derived from Gifts in Wills generously left to us by individuals like yourself.

Make a Will Fortnight 2024

Make a Will to make a difference

Including Rowans Hospice in your Will is a meaningful way to help ensure we can continue to deliver compassionate, quality care for years to come.

Your gift will help pay for expert teams to maximise comfort and maintain dignity and quality of life for our patients from the moment they receive their diagnosis. It will also help to fund bereavement support for their families and friends.

Make a Will Fortnight 2024

This year our Make A Will Fortnight will be held between Monday, 07 October and Sunday, 20 October 2024. Our supporters will be able to book an appointment with a local participating solicitor and write a simple Will for a suggested donation of £250. The solicitors have kindly agreed to then re-direct the fee to Rowans Hospice as a donation.

Even if you already have a Will, it is essential to keep it up-to-date, especially after life-changing events such as getting married or divorced, a bereavement, or moving house.

Everyone’s circumstances are different, and we recommend you always take professional advice from a solicitor.​

Make a free will fortnight (Instagram Post) (Instagram Post)
Make a Will Fortnight 2024 2

How to get your Will

1. Fill out the form below to request an appointment with your preferred solicitor, who will then contact you directly.

2. At your appointment the solicitor will ask you for a suggested donation of £250 (for a Single Simple Will), which they will then re-direct to us as a donation.

Fill out the form to get your Will:

This field is hidden when viewing the form

Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page: ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.
Your preferred solicitor(Required)
Would you like to:(Required)
How did you hear about Make a Will Fortnight?(Required)

Download your free Will-Writing Guide

To help you get started with writing your Will, you can also download our free Will-Writing Guide here:

For more information and support, please contact us via or call 023 9225 0001.

  •  7 October 2024 - 20 October 2024
     1:00 am - 11:55 pm


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