To apply for this job, please complete the Online Application Form.
If you would prefer us to post you an application form, please call
023 9225 0001.
Trustee Vacancy (unremunerated)
“You matter because you are you, and you matter till the end of your life.
We will do all we can to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”
Dame Cicely Saunders
Founder of the first modern hospice, 1918-2005
Hospice care for local people
Rowans Hospice is a local charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with a life-limiting illness. It is a registered charity operated as a company limited by guarantee. The Board of Directors of the company are also Trustees of the charity. To help us in our endeavours we need experienced members of the public to join our Board.
Established since 1994, our purpose is to enable support for those people in Portsmouth and SE Hampshire who need palliative and end of life care, irrespective of their diagnosis, ethnicity, religion, or age. Our services are provided free of charge, but each year it costs more than £7 million to continue our vital work.
Would you like to help us?
We have a strong and committed group of Trustees, who include a cross-section of people with varied professional expertise and backgrounds. Working closely with the Senior Management Team of the Hospice, they collectively have responsibility for the governance of the charity and its strategic direction.
As part of our board you will support and shape our work, as well as help us to achieve our key ambitions. We are currently seeking persons with a financial or medical background who feel that they would like to contribute to our cause.
You do not need to have previous experience as a charity board trustee – just feel passionate about what we do and we will give you the support that you need. Trustee roles are voluntary and unremunerated, but legitimate costs including travel expenses can be paid.
The Board of Trustees meets six times a year at the Hospice; additionally, members of board subcommittees meet regularly and cover topics such as: Clinical Services; Human Resources; Income Generation; Retail; Estates and Facilities; Finance and Audit.
To find out more about joining the Board, please email Deborah Paris (Chairman):
If you would like to apply, please submit your CV with a brief explanation about your interest in becoming a Trustee to:
Please visit our website for more information about Rowans Hospice:
Closing Date: Friday, 6 September 2024