Dying Matters Week – 02 to 06 May 2022: Supporting Bereavement

Monday, 02 May 2022 – Friday, 06 May 2022 is Dying Matters Week. This blog will be focusing on the Charity’s Living Well Centre, our Bereavement Specialists and the Spiritual Care that we can offer at the Rowans Hospice Charity. It is important to know there are ways that the entire family can be supported during difficult times.
Living Well Centre
The Rowans Living Well Centre support people who are living with a life-limiting and progressive illness, regardless of diagnosis. This care and support is extended to family members and friends during any stage of the illness, including bereavement. The Centre offers many different courses, in-person and virtual online, which offers a chance to meet others who may be going through a similar situation. The courses vary from yoga, scrapbook making, through to taking time to chat and meet others.
Terry, who accessed the Living Well Centre whilst her husband was receiving palliative care said, ‘as soon as I walked through the door I was made to feel welcome and I have never looked back.’ Terry refers to the Centre as her ‘safe place’ and enjoys her regular visits.
If you would like to see the courses available please click here.
Planning physically for the end of life is very important and our team of nurses, complementary therapists and trained volunteers can offer you guidance and support, as well as discussions on future planning. If you would like to talk to somebody about the death of someone close to you, now or at any time in the future, you can call the Living Well Centre on 023 9224 8011 from 10:00 – 16:00, Monday to Friday, and specially trained staff and volunteers will be on hand to provide a listening ear and arrange the appropriate support going forward.
One to one Bereavement Support
Sometimes it can feel difficult to confide in family and friends about the extent of your grief, especially if those family and friends are also dealing with their grief. You may feel like you need to talk to people ‘outside’ of your personal life who are experienced in talking to grieving people and who can offer professional bereavement support.
The Charity can provide one-to-one bereavement support if you have experienced the loss of someone who was being cared for by Rowans Hospice, or by one of the local community or hospital palliative care teams.
If you would like to know more, please call the Rowans Bereavement Service Administrator directly on: 02392 238 537.
Spiritual Care
Sometimes questions and doubts arise and it can be helpful to share and explore these with someone.
Our Spiritual Care Chaplain, Carol Gully, and her team of Spiritual Care volunteers are available to listen, to offer support, or just to be alongside someone as they explore their thoughts and feelings.
To contact Carol email: carol.gully@rowanshospice.co.uk